Saturday 7 June 2014

Coming Home

In just a few days I will be back home in Sydney, after spending 13 months overseas. It's a sad but exciting time for me. Sad that I will be giving up this traveller lifestyle but excited to return home and see my family, friends and home comforts again. Returning home also means that I will be going back to work and returning to teaching as a casual (sub/supply).

I'm looking forward to returning to teaching, though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't somewhat nervous about it. 13 months is a long time to be away and all sorts of silly thoughts are going through my head;

What if no one calls me for work? 

What if I have no idea what to teach that day? What if I have forgotten everything?

What if the lessons I plan are boring and the students run wild?

What if the teacher doesn't like the lessons I've done and then confronts me about it?

Of course this is all nonsense. I've had 5 years of experience, I know what I'm doing. I've kept up to date with things, gotten some great ideas off pinterest/blogs and have been making resources to use. I've also got a whole granny flat full of resources, I could probably open up my own store! So I can stop worrying about the not knowing what to do thing! I've got that covered :) 

I don't think the no one calling me thing is valid either. I was called in to work on the first day of school in January, unfortunately I had to turn that down as I was in Manchester. So chances are that if I got called for the very first day of school, I'll get called once I'm back in the country. I have a few schools that I used to work at on a frequent basis before having my own class, so I have backups if my main school has nothing for me. 

I'll have a weekend to spare once I return. I plan on using my weekend to recover from any jetlag, get my hair cut (I'm starting to resemble Rapunzel now) and gather a few resources to use for the first few days of work. I also need to organise something for my 26th Birthday as that's happening the week after.

Lots of things to look forward to, but for now I'm going to enjoy my last days as a traveller with my adventures in Bulgaria and The Netherlands!

I'm also giving the Twitter thing a go, you can find me with the username @talesfrommissd :)

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